Thursday, May 26, 2016


Hello Internet.

The Sun hasn’t been terribly present for most of the past month and I think my hiatus might have something to do with that…

Being a video blogger is an idea that I’ve flirted with in the past but never truly put forth the effort. Learning to use Adobe Premiere and spending most of a damn hot day filming at various locations has left me thirsty for the blood of the web.

 uniqlo robe, christian audigier shoes (not pictured), powder

I wanted to wear a few of the looks from my wardrobe that I felt were the most recognizable; I’ve been wearing a spiked leather jacket for the past few years in some way, shape or form. While the actual jacket may change (material, style, size), black leather studded with my practically trade mark hug blockers is something that will never go out of style for me.

I so much enjoyed the brief period between ‘11 and ‘12 where the most fashionable items were punk inspired, studded, violently torn, and possibly mistakable for trash. This era felt like a sort of culmination of my experience in dressing myself, as an early teen I religiously donned the Tripp pants and often the matching fabric gauntlets.

 hand spiked leather jacket, the alley chicago

It comes at a different age for all people, but there comes a point in all of our lives where we must learn to dress ourselves. Surrounded by dark, twisted anime characters, and having spent more time in front of a video game than I ever did actually speaking to other children, at about age 12 I started making an effort to be who it was I was naturally inspired to be.  The 4XL white tees and denim capris of 2005 weren’t speaking to me, the skin tight shirts of bands I’d admittedly never listened to did. The clothes brought me to the music, not the other way around.

demonia platform boots

A few years later, being the lifelong fence rider I am in practically every aspect, I tried out the upwards of 3 Polo shirts trend of ’08. A topic to expand upon at a later date, I bring it up simply because, before graduating high school I had only ever purchased things to wear from much… seedier places. I very quickly filled my closet with more ‘fashionable’ pieces, not surprisingly my aesthetic was suddenly beloved by all. It felt like cheating on myself, but the feeling of acceptance truthfully blinded me and for the first time I was accepted into the world of Abercrombie and people who spend their afternoons on yachts.

The gloomy, unusual clothes that flooded the ‘common’ fashion world in 2011 felt like a homecoming to me. It felt familiar. It reminded me of the comfort feeling alien brought me.

I felt realized.


As much as I appreciate what the big names say is ‘it’, (and I would probably give a few organs  to wear the FW 16/17 Comme de Garcons, unassumingly plastic, jacket [ahem]), you and your loved ones can expect to see me covered in dead cows and danger until they pluck the spikes from my rotting flesh.