Monday, April 11, 2016



english pea faggotini, cherry mostarda, cabbage, hazelnuts

I am concerned about finding the connection between food and fashion. 

Not necessarily just fashion but things that you put on your body (consciously or not)

Does that make any sense?

cocido, cheese board

It's like, ‘looks’

I’ve always been obsessed with a variation in looks but with a focus, like a person

Any sort of object looking different

Transformation, really, is what my mind is focusing on

serrano ham, pickled grapes, walnut, parmigiano

Clothes are just fabrics. Plant material, well no I suppose now it would be plastic. Synthesized or not, originally clothes came from plants… and we eat plants.

demonia platform, aztec quilt

Food consumption behaves similarly to clothing consumption.

They are both arts, both visual arts.

p.289, issue 34, pop magazine

My obsession with visual arts translates to my work. You can follow a recipe and satisfy a passing hunger, but for people to be able to express a certain control over the manipulation of raw materials, flavor pairings, placement, textures…

Food must be recognized as an art.

white wash denim guess jacket

It is all an intake and outtake. It is one or zero.

Not fashion. Find another word for fashion. It displeases my ears.

free mind / chained body

chogia beet, mozzarella, baby kale

Explain food beyond 'this is a nutrient block'. This will keep you alive because human beings have to eat. Anything beyond that is what you find in food houses.

Fashion house = clothing brand, food house = restaurant.


So much sameness in the two arts. Incredible efforts reduced to “breakfast” or those pair of pants I wear three days a year.

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